5 Signs a Dental Office needs an Organizational Rescue

5 Signs a Dental Office needs an Organizational Rescue

1. The Instruments have the dental office under control
Not until the procedure starts are you aware if your setup in completely prepped. Dental offices think they have their instruments managed but when you open a drawer to a sea of bagged instruments, do you know what you are grabbing? Is it all instruments that pertain to the procedure or are you leaving others behind?
2. Playing games with your procedural materials
They hide throughout sterilization, storage closets and operatories with no inventory to acknowledge them. Later, they become transparent when needed the most, making it a scavenger hunt for the practitioner and a waiting game for the patient.
3. Sterilization area is a dental themed version of “I SPY”
Between dirty setups that need sterilizing and sterilized setups that need prepping, counter space no longer exists. This makes both prep and cleanup a challenge amongst the scattered items that cover the viable sterilization workspace.
4. The operatory is the black hole for dental products
When is the last time the operatory drawers were looked through? With all of the perceived “important” items that need to be stocked in the ops, it leaves no room for streamlining procedures and creating chairside efficiency. Instead the operatories accumulate many items that eventually no one knows what is stocked where or when reordering needs to take place.
5. Smiles do not exist unless it’s the weekend
Between the lack of efficiency, working extra hours and the “no light at the end of the tunnel” perception, the office staff can only look forward to enjoying themselves on the weekends. Work turns into a place of work and not a place to collaborate and enjoy what you do. How can your patients be comfortable and happy going to your office when the dental staff does not provide an atmosphere of positivity?
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